
  • a test file, e.g. test.txt
  • an existing database schema where you can, or already have combined data from tables to obtain a denormalized dataset

Quite often I need to analyze a block of text to find the most frequently occuring words. I found sed command as the perfect workhorse to do all the grunt work for me. Effectively, the ultimate command is a series chained pipes feeding output from one task to another.

This is the magic recipe:

sed -e 's/[^[:alpha:]]/ /g' test.txt | tr '\n' " " | tr -s " " | tr " " '\n' | sed '/^.$/d' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | nl | head -n 5

Step by step insight into how this single command line works:

  1. Dump selected table to a CSV text file
    SELECT * FROM soil_survey INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/soil_survey.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
    • ensure fields are separated with a comma ‘,’
    • database will write the file to a location requiring a root access, such as sudo, in order to move it to another location, such as your data-import-directory/
    • resulting CSV will NOT have any headers included, these will be added next
  2. Move CSV file to data-import-directory/
    sudo mv /var/lib/mysql-files/soil_survey.csv data-import-directory/
  3. Insert 1 file headers line at the top, and save the CSV file
    sed -i '1i Hort_Client,Contractor,Region,Locality,Soil_Service,Solution,Soil_Issue,Date_Reported,Date_Actioned,DaysToAction' data-import-directory/soil_survey.csv
  4. If you make a mistake, delete the added line
    sed -i '1d' import-directory/soil_survey.csv
  5. Preview first 3 lines
    head -3  import-directory/soil_survey.csv

You now have a workable CSV data file that you can import into a Neo4j graph

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