

The other day I came across the post entitled, Getting Started with Data Analysis using Neo4j[1]

It inspired me to look at the Soil Survey data and come up with different ways of analyzing the graph’s contents. I am going to dive straight into Cypher and explain what different statements aim to do as we go along.

1. Obtain summary information

  1. Let’s find how many properties are in the survey data, how many different soil conditions have been found, what are they and how many soil tests have been performed. I am using Cypher’s in-built collect() function to amalgamate multiple values into a single list that will be displayed under its own column.
MATCH (h:Hort_Client)-[:HAS]->(s:Soil_Issue)<-[:INVESTIGATES]-(ss:Soil_Service)
RETURN count(DISTINCT as no_properties, count(DISTINCT s) as no_soil_issues,
collect(DISTINCT s.type) as soil_issues_present, count(DISTINCT ss) as no_analyses_completed


│21             │12                        │["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter"│2670                   │
│               │                          │,"Acidification","Compaction"│                       │
│               │                          │,"LowOrganicBiota","HighAlkal│                       │
│               │                          │inity","Impermeable","HeavyMe│                       │
│               │                          │talContamination","LowPhospho│                       │
│               │                          │rus","Salinity","LowNitrogen"│                       │
│               │                          │,"LowPotassium"]             │                       │

2. What is the frequency of specific soil issues?

  1. Now that we know what kind of soil problems exists in our survey data, let’s seek how often each one occurs and list properties at which they are common. The collect() function allows us to view all properties that share a specific soil condition.
MATCH (h:Hort_Client)-[:HAS]->(s:Soil_Issue)
RETURN s.type as soil_condition, count( as frequency, collect( as properties
ORDER BY frequency DESC


│"soil_condition""frequency""properties"                                                          │
│"Erosion"                │20         │["hc_162","hc_167","hc_171","hc_175","hc_159","hc_174","hc_161","hc_16│
│                         │           │6","hc_164","hc_173","hc_157","hc_158","hc_168","hc_170","hc_163","hc_│
│                         │           │155","hc_165","hc_172","hc_160","hc_169"]                             │
│"Compaction"             │14         │["hc_175","hc_163","hc_167","hc_171","hc_165","hc_168","hc_160","hc_17│
│                         │           │0","hc_161","hc_158","hc_155","hc_172","hc_169","hc_174"]             │
│"HighAlkalinity"         │13         │["hc_175","hc_169","hc_163","hc_159","hc_166","hc_168","hc_156","hc_17│
│                         │           │2","hc_170","hc_155","hc_162","hc_165","hc_171"]                      │
│"LowOrganicBiota"        │8          │["hc_175","hc_168","hc_169","hc_170","hc_159","hc_172","hc_174","hc_15│
│                         │           │8"]                                                                   │
│"LowOrganicMatter"       │8          │["hc_167","hc_170","hc_163","hc_168","hc_161","hc_162","hc_169","hc_16│
│                         │           │5"]                                                                   │
│"LowPhosphorus"          │7          │["hc_164","hc_174","hc_166","hc_162","hc_165","hc_157","hc_175"]      │
│"Acidification"          │5          │["hc_171","hc_166","hc_156","hc_164","hc_167"]                        │
│"Salinity"               │3          │["hc_155","hc_158","hc_172"]                                          │
│"LowPotassium"           │1          │["hc_165"]                                                            │
│"LowNitrogen"            │1          │["hc_175"]                                                            │
│"HeavyMetalContamination"│1          │["hc_157"]                                                            │
│"Impermeable"            │1          │["hc_158"]                                                            │

3. What is the frequency of specific soil conditions at a horticultural site?

  1. Say that at Hort_Client property named hc_175, we want to get soil condition frequencies relevant to this property. We achieved the desired filtering, using the WHERE condition as part of the MATCH clause.
    MATCH (h:Hort_Client)-[:HAS]->(s:Soil_Issue)<-[:INVESTIGATES]-(ss:Soil_Service)<-[:REQUESTS]-(h:Hort_Client)
    RETURN, s.type as soil_condition, count(s) as no_found
    ORDER BY, no_found DESC


│"hc_175""Erosion"        │124       │
│"hc_175""LowOrganicBiota"│72        │
│"hc_175""HighAlkalinity" │45        │
│"hc_175""Compaction"     │42        │
│"hc_175""LowNitrogen"    │16        │
│"hc_175""LowPhosphorus"  │3         │

4. Find the soil issues present at each property, the number of analyses done at each site

  1. Say that at Hort_Client property named hc_175, we want to get soil condition frequencies relevant to this property.
    MATCH (h:Hort_Client)-[:HAS]->(s:Soil_Issue)<-[:INVESTIGATES]-(ss:Soil_Service)<-[:REQUESTS]-(h:Hort_Client)
    RETURN, collect(DISTINCT s.type) as soil_condition, count(ss) as no_soil_analyses
    ORDER BY no_soil_analyses DESC


│"hc_175"│["Erosion","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlkalinity","LowPhospho│302               │
│        │rus","LowNitrogen"]                                                   │                  │
│"hc_168"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlka│261               │
│        │linity"]                                                              │                  │
│"hc_172"│["Erosion","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlkalinity","Salinity"]│222               │
│"hc_158"│["Erosion","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","Impermeable","Salinity"]   │217               │
│"hc_166"│["Erosion","Acidification","HighAlkalinity","LowPhosphorus"]          │188               │
│"hc_169"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlka│182               │
│        │linity"]                                                              │                  │
│"hc_160"│["Erosion","Compaction"]                                              │175               │
│"hc_155"│["Erosion","Compaction","HighAlkalinity","Salinity"]                  │150               │
│"hc_170"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlka│148               │
│        │linity"]                                                              │                  │
│"hc_163"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction","HighAlkalinity"]          │139               │
│"hc_165"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction","HighAlkalinity","LowPhosph│128               │
│        │orus","LowPotassium"]                                                 │                  │
│"hc_167"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Acidification","Compaction"]           │123               │
│"hc_157"│["Erosion","HeavyMetalContamination","LowPhosphorus"]                 │118               │
│"hc_161"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","Compaction"]                           │113               │
│"hc_162"│["Erosion","LowOrganicMatter","HighAlkalinity","LowPhosphorus"]       │100               │
│"hc_156"│["Acidification","HighAlkalinity"]                                    │79                │
│"hc_174"│["Erosion","Compaction","LowOrganicBiota","LowPhosphorus"]            │78                │
│"hc_159"│["Erosion","LowOrganicBiota","HighAlkalinity"]                        │69                │
│"hc_171"│["Erosion","Acidification","Compaction","HighAlkalinity"]             │56                │
│"hc_164"│["Erosion","Acidification","LowPhosphorus"]                           │39                │
│"hc_173"│["Erosion"]                                                           │36                │

We analysed soil survey data, using aggregation functions such as collect() and count(), and filtering with WHERE

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