

With time dimension defined as nodes for each year, month and day, let’s see what we can find out about frequency of Soil_Issues across different time periods.

I will also build on each successive Cypher query to create more complex and comprehensive insights.

1. Find specific soil issues that occurred in a given period

  1. We will use the month and year of May 2007
MATCH (y:Year {year: 2007})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month {month: 5})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
RETURN  y.year as Y, m.month as M, count(n) as No_found, collect(DISTINCT n.type) as Range_of_issues
ORDER By y.year, m.month


│"Y""M""No_found""Range_of_issues"                             │
│2007│5  │15        │["Erosion","HighAlkalinity","LowOrganicBiota"]│

2. Split each issue category to inspect specific frequencies

  1. We will use the month and year of May 2007

Explanation of Cypher code used below:

collect( n.type) as i
UNWIND i as Issues
WITH  Y, M, all_issues , Issues ORDER BY Issues
RETURN Y, M, collect(Issues) as issues, 
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion

Let’s study the above code, so we understand what exactly is being done.

n.type represent all rows of Soil_Issues that occur throughout May 2007

We then apply collect() function to turn them into a list, i, of the format, [‘c’,’b’, ‘a’] Next, we apply UNWIND clause to turn that list into a rows-based variable called Issues - this will allow sorting

WITH clause then applies alphabetic sort to Issues, see Issues ORDER BY Issues

RETURN clause applies another collect() function call to gather these ordered Issues into a list called issues, of the format, [‘a’,’b’, ‘c’]

So what’s with size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion? We use filter() function to pull out only those soil issues of the type ‘Erosion’. Every item x in the list Issues is tested to see if it contains ‘Erosion’, or not. If it does, then it’s added to the new internal list.

Once all the Issues have been filtered, we apply size() function on the new list to arrive at the total number of Erosion issues captured. Size() function gives us the number of items in the list and this way we don’t need to use any other aggregation function, such as count().

MATCH (y:Year {year: 2007})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month {month: 5})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
WITH y.year as Y, m.month as M, count(n) as all_issues , collect( n.type) as i
UNWIND i as Issues
WITH  Y, M, all_issues , Issues ORDER BY Issues
RETURN Y, M, collect(Issues) as issues, 
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HighAlkalinity')) as HighAlkalinity,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicBiota')) as LowOrganicBiota


│2007│5  │["LowOrganicBiota","LowOrganicBiota","LowOrganicBiota"]               │0        │0               │1                │
│2007│5  │["Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion"│1        │0               │0                │
│    │   │,"Erosion","Erosion"]                                                 │         │                │                 │
│2007│5  │["HighAlkalinity","HighAlkalinity","HighAlkalinity"]                  │0        │1               │0                │

Or, we can present the same data in a more compact single line format.

MATCH (y:Year {year: 2007})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month {month: 5})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
WITH y.year as Y, m.month as M, count(n) as all_issues , collect( n.type) as i
UNWIND i as Issues
WITH  Y, M, all_issues , Issues ORDER BY Issues
RETURN Y, M, collect(Issues) as issues


│"Y""M""issues"                                                              │
│2007│5  │["Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion","Erosion"│
│    │   │,"Erosion","Erosion","HighAlkalinity","HighAlkalinity","HighAlkalinity│
│    │   │","LowOrganicBiota","LowOrganicBiota","LowOrganicBiota"]              │

3. Count frequencies of each soil issue in selected months of 2007

  1. In this example, we are using the months of May and July of 2007
UNWIND [2007] as years
UNWIND [5, 7] as months
MATCH (y:Year {year: years})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month {month: months})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
with y.year as Y, m.month as M, count(n) as all_issues , collect( n.type) as Issues
RETURN Y + ' - ' + M as Period,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HighAlkalinity')) as HighAlkalinity,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicBiota')) as LowOrganicBiota


│"2007 - 5"│9        │3               │3                │
│"2007 - 7"│6        │2               │2                │

4. Summarize soil issue frequency across years

UNWIND [2007,2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014]  as years
MATCH (y:Year {year: years})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month )-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
WITH y.year as Y,  collect( n.type) as Issues
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Acidification')) as Acidification,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Compaction')) as Compaction,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HeavyMetalContamination')) as HeavyMetalContamination,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HighAlkalinity')) as HighAlkalinity,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Impermeable')) as Impermeable,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowNitrogen')) as LowNitrogen,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicBiota')) as LowOrganicBiota,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicMatter')) as LowOrganicMatter,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPhosphorus')) as LowPhosphorus,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPotassium')) as LowPotassium,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Salinity')) as Salinity


│2007│31             │59          │124      │1                        │58              │4            │1            │44               │29                │16             │0             │18        │
│2008│133            │472         │773      │15                       │462             │18           │23           │276              │225               │89             │1             │72        │
│2009│110            │498         │755      │16                       │439             │30           │54           │327              │237               │112            │0             │74        │
│2010│112            │578         │982      │43                       │475             │60           │61           │344              │237               │149            │5             │99        │
│2011│121            │477         │769      │34                       │401             │20           │67           │252              │226               │196            │27            │75        │
│2012│125            │659         │1139     │33                       │512             │56           │92           │426              │293               │273            │52            │121       │
│2013│113            │462         │831      │33                       │386             │50           │13           │247              │192               │175            │43            │171       │
│2014│29             │24          │73       │2                        │51              │1            │11           │14               │12                │45             │4             │1         │

5. Summarize soil issue frequency across months of a specific year, e.g. 2007

UNWIND [2007]  as years
MATCH (y:Year {year: years})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month )-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
WITH y.year as Y,  m.month as M, collect( n.type) as Issues
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Acidification')) as Acidification,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Compaction')) as Compaction,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HeavyMetalContamination')) as HeavyMetalContamination,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HighAlkalinity')) as HighAlkalinity,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Impermeable')) as Impermeable,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowNitrogen')) as LowNitrogen,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicBiota')) as LowOrganicBiota,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicMatter')) as LowOrganicMatter,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPhosphorus')) as LowPhosphorus,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPotassium')) as LowPotassium,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Salinity')) as Salinity


│2007│5  │0              │0           │9        │0                        │3               │0            │0            │3                │0                 │0              │0             │0         │
│2007│6  │6              │1           │3        │0                        │3               │0            │0            │1                │3                 │2              │0             │0         │
│2007│7  │0              │0           │6        │0                        │2               │0            │0            │2                │0                 │0              │0             │0         │
│2007│8  │0              │2           │3        │0                        │1               │0            │0            │2                │0                 │1              │0             │0         │
│2007│9  │0              │3           │11       │0                        │5               │0            │0            │3                │9                 │2              │0             │0         │
│2007│10 │0              │17          │20       │1                        │4               │1            │0            │5                │3                 │1              │0             │1         │
│2007│11 │13             │9           │21       │0                        │24              │1            │1            │17               │3                 │3              │0             │8         │
│2007│12 │12             │27          │51       │0                        │16              │2            │0            │11               │11                │7              │0             │9         │

6. Summarize soil issue frequency across months of the year

UNWIND [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]  as months
MATCH (y:Year )-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m:Month {month: months})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)<-[r:REPORTED_ON]-()-[*1..2]-(n:Soil_Issue) 
WITH m.month as M,  collect( n.type) as Issues //, collect(DISTINCT n.type) as I_set
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Acidification')) as Acidification,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Compaction')) as Compaction,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Erosion')) as Erosion,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HeavyMetalContamination')) as HeavyMetalContamination,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'HighAlkalinity')) as HighAlkalinity,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Impermeable')) as Impermeable,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowNitrogen')) as LowNitrogen,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicBiota')) as LowOrganicBiota,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowOrganicMatter')) as LowOrganicMatter,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPhosphorus')) as LowPhosphorus,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'LowPotassium')) as LowPotassium,
size(filter(x IN Issues WHERE x= 'Salinity')) as Salinity


│1  │55             │233         │445      │11                       │218             │40           │19           │183              │87                │94             │12            │93        │
│2  │58             │220         │391      │20                       │203             │9            │17           │107              │125               │85             │8             │51        │
│3  │67             │256         │435      │17                       │228             │20           │19           │157              │95                │105            │14            │41        │
│4  │25             │233         │385      │10                       │231             │16           │50           │171              │129               │74             │4             │22        │
│5  │109            │255         │420      │16                       │234             │28           │15           │134              │75                │88             │12            │65        │
│6  │56             │383         │573      │38                       │284             │4            │52           │238              │179               │126            │24            │42        │
│7  │62             │186         │350      │5                        │163             │29           │17           │131              │98                │57             │11            │45        │
│8  │59             │207         │395      │0                        │159             │18           │13           │98               │73                │68             │0             │36        │
│9  │118            │240         │472      │12                       │265             │12           │2            │140              │122               │89             │9             │58        │
│10 │51             │289         │496      │35                       │260             │13           │58           │184              │125               │106            │12            │47        │
│11 │45             │292         │428      │2                        │238             │22           │32           │167              │129               │97             │23            │50        │
│12 │69             │435         │656      │11                       │301             │28           │28           │220              │214               │66             │3             │81        │

We used the time tree to get granular results related to Soil Issues occurring in various time periods. Specific Cypher language features that yielded these results included UNWIND clause and list functions like collect(), filter() and size()

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